Friday, April 10, 2015

Odds and Sods

I was listening to Jam On (Channel 29 Sirius Radio) and heard an amazing Jam from Crossroads 2 featuring Eric Clapton with Carlos Santana doing Eyesight to the Blind/Why does Love have to be so Sad. 24 minutes of guitar virtuosity.

Courtney Barnett -- Latest album -- Sometimes I sit and think, and sometimes I sit.  Rolling Stone turned me onto her and I really think she has some interesting music.

My son Alex turned me onto Kendrick Lamar. Some of his lyrics may be offensive to some but I do not really mind.  The latest release is the most interesting and unlike his earlier straight hip hop stuff.
The first thing I heard was King Kunta and really loved it.  Kind of spacey hip hop with pretty gross lyrics.